Glow in the dark pumpkin paintings!

I’m so excited to start this lesson with my 1st graders!! They are going to FLIP when they find out they’ll be using glow in the dark puffy paint!!!

Here is a quick time lapse video of me adding the final touches to one of my teacher examples.


First graders will begin this lesson after they create 3D paper line sculptures!

I’m even considering buying a black light to hang kids art under in the case at school! However, I’m not entirely sure if the additional halogen lighting in the area where it will hang will affect the glow?????, so if anyone out there knows about this—please let me know if it’s worth doing!

This lesson is inspired by Vincent van Gogh’s painting; The Starry Night. Students will learn about Van Gogh and his artwork and how he used lots and lots of short lines close together in certain directions, to create a sense of movement. The puffy paint adds texture, like Van Gogh did with his paint in his paintings. Plus it’s just so darn fun, kids will go crazy over it!!

Last year I did this exact lesson but without the addition of puffy paint. To learn more about this lesson click on 1st grade art lessons under the main menu and scroll down!

Follow me on Instagram (@mammalovespeaches for more student artwork and ideas)




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