Open House Photo Op!

A wee bit late posting this…. I created a little photo op spot in the gym during open house at Roosevelt School (which was almost two weeks ago!)  But O-well! Better late than never right?!?

I thought it’d be fun to create a fun, silly photo opportunity for kids to strike a pose for that evening, while parents went to their children’s classrooms! Kids were playing basketball too, so it was kind of a crazy space to try to photograph– BUT…even amidst all the craziness and chaos with balls flying everywhere the kids had fun!

I made a giant frame from foam board, cardboard and model magic, a quick splatter paint backdrop, a couple of speech bubbles, as well as painted giant paintbrushes and a paint palette for props. There weren’t too many kids that night but the ones that did come with their parents (or ones that were hosting a table with info. for parents) had a blast posing for a quick pic!












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