Found this old gem last night in an old flashdrive that I thought was lost forever!

(make sure your sound is on!)

I created this stop-motion animation with 5th graders when I was student teaching in 2012. I had groups of 3-5 kids join me in an area of the classroom to draw while I took photos. The art teacher would stay with the rest of her class working on another lesson while I called groups of kids up to the “animation station”.

Students brainstormed ideas first, planned out their ideas as a team, then would draw little by little with dry erase markers on a small whiteboard that I had. I snapped pics of each small change in their drawing.

The dry erase markers made it easy to erase parts and then add on. Once finished, I uploaded the images in my personal computer and I edited them together in iMovie.


Later, the kids created music with the music teacher and she added it to their animations!

It was really fun and was shown during a school assembly at the end of my student teaching.


I would LOVE to try doing stop-motion again with my own classes this year, but not sure how to go about doing it. It’s a little overwhelming thinking about the equipment I’d need, time, cameras, tripods, computers, computer software, using the computer lab, and juggling the amount of students working on a project like this….you get the point. I know our school has iPads so I think I could figure something out, but the whole idea of setting iPads up for multiple kids in multiple classes, and planning something like this out is a little daunting! If you have any suggestions for me I’d greatly appreciate it!!! 



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